1.地瓜Sweet Potato
2.綠豆Mung Beens
4.薏仁Job’s Tears
6.糙米Brown Rice
7.紅豆Small Red Beans
13.蓮藕Lotus Root
16.地瓜葉Sweet Potato’s Left
17.蘿蔔葉Radish’s Left
2010年11月17日 星期三
A guy is 70 years old and loves to fish.
He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say, 'Pick me up.'
He looked around and couldn't see anyone.
He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say again, 'Pick me up.'
He looked in the water and there, floating on the top, was a frog.
The man said, 'Are you talking to me?'
The frog said, 'Yes, I'm talking to you.'
Pick me up then, kiss me and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen.
I'll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous because I will be your bride!'
The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his front pocket.
The frog said, 'What, are you nuts? Didn't you hear what I said? I said kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride.'
He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said,
'Nah, at my age I'd rather have a talking frog.'
"人到達一個年齡,清楚甚麼該要,甚麼不該要,是一種智慧。 "
He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say, 'Pick me up.'
He looked around and couldn't see anyone.
He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say again, 'Pick me up.'
He looked in the water and there, floating on the top, was a frog.
The man said, 'Are you talking to me?'
The frog said, 'Yes, I'm talking to you.'
Pick me up then, kiss me and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen.
I'll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous because I will be your bride!'
The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his front pocket.
The frog said, 'What, are you nuts? Didn't you hear what I said? I said kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride.'
He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said,
'Nah, at my age I'd rather have a talking frog.'
"人到達一個年齡,清楚甚麼該要,甚麼不該要,是一種智慧。 "
2010年10月5日 星期二
2010年9月24日 星期五
2010年9月23日 星期四
Result, #, 計算
2010年9月18日 星期六
cnn.com Cardinal Newman
Cardinal Newman: Who was he?On Sunday Pope Benedict XVI will conduct an open-air beatification Mass for the English cardinal John Henry Newman. Yet the majority of British people know little about the cardinal or how significant he was in Catholicism. FULL STORY
原文是英文▼翻譯成中文(繁體)▼翻譯文字或網頁Cardinal Newman: Who was he?On Sunday Pope Benedict XVI will conduct an open-air beatification Mass for the English cardinal John Henry Newman. Yet the majority of British people know little about the cardinal or how significant he was in Catholicism. FULL STORY
原文是英文▼翻譯成中文(繁體)▼翻譯文字或網頁Cardinal Newman: Who was he?On Sunday Pope Benedict XVI will conduct an open-air beatification Mass for the English cardinal John Henry Newman. Yet the majority of British people know little about the cardinal or how significant he was in Catholicism. FULL STORY
家庭消費力 全台第一
高所得聚落 「錢」力無限
竹北市好夯 推案衝高
家庭消費力 全台第一
高所得聚落 「錢」力無限
竹北市好夯 推案衝高
家庭消費力 全台第一
2010年9月17日 星期五
2010年9月15日 星期三
載入圖片 ▼ »41
有一次我聽蕭駿講過一個故事, 關於他當年失敗的人生, 那時候他剛畢業, 拿了爸爸的退休金在台北開了一個茶館, 剛開始附近這樣可以閒聊的餐廳少, 股市正熱著, 所以每每收盤後, 他的茶藝館充滿了剛看完盤的投資人, 所以生意不惡, 但是慢慢的餐廳多了, 優劣立分高下, 開始人潮都往那幾家氣氛好食物優的餐廳咖啡廳跑, 好險在那個景氣的年代, 雖然不像當初這樣天天滿座, 但是拜股民所賜, 每天還是有三成客人, 但已經開始有點入不敷出, 他自己的收銀檯下供奉著土地公神像, 他從天天上香希望客人回流, 到最後開始詛咒, 他開始跟著土地公說, 現在是股市這麼熱, 等到股市垮了, 對面那家投資巨額的餐廳肯定也會跟著垮了, 隔壁那家歐式庭園咖啡廳應該也會跟著倒閉, 到時候我的店就可以回到之前的榮景..就這樣沒幾個月, 果然股市崩盤了, 股市每天的成交量從原本的千億以上, 到了最後只有一百來億, 他講得沒錯, 對面投資巨額的餐廳最後真的撐不下去了, 隔壁的庭園餐廳也沒多久都結束營業了, 但這些都是在他連原來的三成的客人都不在, 賠光他父親的退休金, 收掉自己的茶藝館之後發生的事
園區垮了, 工程師可以去當外勞, 但是新竹未必變成公園, 就像是底特律的汽車業垮了, 底特律不是變成沒有工廠的公園, 反而是變成全美國治安最差, 吸毒人口最多, 街頭充斥著賣淫販毒的恐怖之城, 同樣的高雄, 從世界前三大的港口, 船運業興盛, 又有加工出口區, 變成今天失業率前三名, 當然也會造成治安最差, 犯罪率最高, 家裡往往幾口人只有一個人就業, 所以弄到連專櫃小姐, 幼教老師都要兼差了
有一次我聽蕭駿講過一個故事, 關於他當年失敗的人生, 那時候他剛畢業, 拿了爸爸的退休金在台北開了一個茶館, 剛開始附近這樣可以閒聊的餐廳少, 股市正熱著, 所以每每收盤後, 他的茶藝館充滿了剛看完盤的投資人, 所以生意不惡, 但是慢慢的餐廳多了, 優劣立分高下, 開始人潮都往那幾家氣氛好食物優的餐廳咖啡廳跑, 好險在那個景氣的年代, 雖然不像當初這樣天天滿座, 但是拜股民所賜, 每天還是有三成客人, 但已經開始有點入不敷出, 他自己的收銀檯下供奉著土地公神像, 他從天天上香希望客人回流, 到最後開始詛咒, 他開始跟著土地公說, 現在是股市這麼熱, 等到股市垮了, 對面那家投資巨額的餐廳肯定也會跟著垮了, 隔壁那家歐式庭園咖啡廳應該也會跟著倒閉, 到時候我的店就可以回到之前的榮景..就這樣沒幾個月, 果然股市崩盤了, 股市每天的成交量從原本的千億以上, 到了最後只有一百來億, 他講得沒錯, 對面投資巨額的餐廳最後真的撐不下去了, 隔壁的庭園餐廳也沒多久都結束營業了, 但這些都是在他連原來的三成的客人都不在, 賠光他父親的退休金, 收掉自己的茶藝館之後發生的事
園區垮了, 工程師可以去當外勞, 但是新竹未必變成公園, 就像是底特律的汽車業垮了, 底特律不是變成沒有工廠的公園, 反而是變成全美國治安最差, 吸毒人口最多, 街頭充斥著賣淫販毒的恐怖之城, 同樣的高雄, 從世界前三大的港口, 船運業興盛, 又有加工出口區, 變成今天失業率前三名, 當然也會造成治安最差, 犯罪率最高, 家裡往往幾口人只有一個人就業, 所以弄到連專櫃小姐, 幼教老師都要兼差了
CNN news
Tokyo intervened in the currency markets for the first time in more than six years to weaken the yen, after the currency broke through Y83 against the U.S. dollar and threatened exporter profits and business sentiment.
東京外匯市場干預,首次超過六年削弱日元,突破後 Y83貨幣兌美元,並威脅出口商利潤和企業信心。
東京外匯市場干預,首次超過六年削弱日元,突破後 Y83貨幣兌美元,並威脅出口商利潤和企業信心。
2010年9月7日 星期二
2010年8月29日 星期日
各公民營行庫 房貸利率一覽表 (更新時間:2010/7/22)
各公民營行庫 房貸利率一覽表 (更新時間:2010/7/22)
行庫名稱 貸款利率
台灣銀行 「Easy Go」房屋輕鬆貸優惠專案前6個月依台銀定儲利率指數加碼0.512%起浮動計息(目前為1.5%起),第7~12個月依台銀定儲利率指數加碼0.85%起浮動計息(目前為1.838%起),第2年依台銀定儲指數加碼1.2%起浮動計息(目前為2.188%起)
台灣企銀 好家園房貸專案階段式:前6個月2%起,第7個月起依利率指數加碼,機動計息
兆豐國際商銀 「歡喜雙享炮」專案前六個月固定1.5%(IR+0.47%),第七至十二個月1.70%(IR+0.67%) ,第2 年起1.99%(IR+0.96%) 。
「歡喜理財家房貸」不循環額度:前六個月1.50%(IR+0.47%),第七至十二個月1.70%(IR+0.67%),第2 年起1.99%(IR+0.96%)。
循環額度:依已動用餘額按 IR+1.47%( 現為2.50%) 為下限計息
華南銀行 三段式利率前6個月2%~4%機動計息,第7-24個月2.45%~ 4.45%機動計息,第3年起2.99% ~4.99%機動計息。
花旗銀行 花旗自由年貸(本利攤還型房貸)貸款年利率為2~3%起
土地銀行 菁英購屋貸款(圓夢計劃)第1-6個月 I+0.97%起(目前為2.06%)、第7-12個月 I + 1.07 % 起(目前為2.16%)、第2年起 I +1.27 % 起(目前為2.36%)
中華郵政 「安穩貸」專案菁英保戶首年固定利率2.65%、第二-五年3.20%,第六年起依指標利率固定加碼0.85%
板信商業銀行 指數型房貸前6個月1.87%~2.07%機動,第7-24個月2.35%~2.55%機動,第3年2.65%~2.85%機動
台北富邦銀行 「富邦優選房貸」指數利率指數利率一段式:貸款期間固定最低加碼0.83%起(目前為1.83%),並按指數型房貸基準利率加碼機動計息。
台中商業銀行 指數型房貸最低依定儲利率指數加碼1.58%起機動計息,A級客戶可再享減1碼優惠
第一銀行 「First Aviva 安家房貸保障專案」1.94%~6.08%,機動計息
玉山銀行 指數型房貸前二年2.03%~2.23%,第三年起2.53%~2.73%
彰化銀行 定儲利率指數房貸依本行定儲利率指數加碼機動計息,目前為1.5%-2.91%以上。
遠東國際商銀 定儲指數房貸依本行定儲指數利率加碼浮動計息(目前為2%~3%浮動計息)
大眾銀行 一般房貸貸款利率2.44%~3.69%
元大商業銀行 一段式利率(一心一意)房貸2.25%~2.85%
合作金庫 2%~3.80%(浮動計息)
星展銀行 指數型房貸第1~3月固定利率1.49%起,第4~12月固定利率1.69%起,第二年起以本行定儲利率指數I + 1.11%起,機動計息 (2009年09月21日本行定儲利率指數I (季調整) = 0.77%)
陽信銀行 指數型房貸1.98%~2.5%浮動計息
聯邦銀行 均利型利率指數房貸分段式:前半年1.7%起,第7~12個月2.1%起,第2年起2.5%起浮動計息
行庫名稱 貸款利率
台灣銀行 「Easy Go」房屋輕鬆貸優惠專案前6個月依台銀定儲利率指數加碼0.512%起浮動計息(目前為1.5%起),第7~12個月依台銀定儲利率指數加碼0.85%起浮動計息(目前為1.838%起),第2年依台銀定儲指數加碼1.2%起浮動計息(目前為2.188%起)
台灣企銀 好家園房貸專案階段式:前6個月2%起,第7個月起依利率指數加碼,機動計息
兆豐國際商銀 「歡喜雙享炮」專案前六個月固定1.5%(IR+0.47%),第七至十二個月1.70%(IR+0.67%) ,第2 年起1.99%(IR+0.96%) 。
「歡喜理財家房貸」不循環額度:前六個月1.50%(IR+0.47%),第七至十二個月1.70%(IR+0.67%),第2 年起1.99%(IR+0.96%)。
循環額度:依已動用餘額按 IR+1.47%( 現為2.50%) 為下限計息
華南銀行 三段式利率前6個月2%~4%機動計息,第7-24個月2.45%~ 4.45%機動計息,第3年起2.99% ~4.99%機動計息。
花旗銀行 花旗自由年貸(本利攤還型房貸)貸款年利率為2~3%起
土地銀行 菁英購屋貸款(圓夢計劃)第1-6個月 I+0.97%起(目前為2.06%)、第7-12個月 I + 1.07 % 起(目前為2.16%)、第2年起 I +1.27 % 起(目前為2.36%)
中華郵政 「安穩貸」專案菁英保戶首年固定利率2.65%、第二-五年3.20%,第六年起依指標利率固定加碼0.85%
板信商業銀行 指數型房貸前6個月1.87%~2.07%機動,第7-24個月2.35%~2.55%機動,第3年2.65%~2.85%機動
台北富邦銀行 「富邦優選房貸」指數利率指數利率一段式:貸款期間固定最低加碼0.83%起(目前為1.83%),並按指數型房貸基準利率加碼機動計息。
台中商業銀行 指數型房貸最低依定儲利率指數加碼1.58%起機動計息,A級客戶可再享減1碼優惠
第一銀行 「First Aviva 安家房貸保障專案」1.94%~6.08%,機動計息
玉山銀行 指數型房貸前二年2.03%~2.23%,第三年起2.53%~2.73%
彰化銀行 定儲利率指數房貸依本行定儲利率指數加碼機動計息,目前為1.5%-2.91%以上。
遠東國際商銀 定儲指數房貸依本行定儲指數利率加碼浮動計息(目前為2%~3%浮動計息)
大眾銀行 一般房貸貸款利率2.44%~3.69%
元大商業銀行 一段式利率(一心一意)房貸2.25%~2.85%
合作金庫 2%~3.80%(浮動計息)
星展銀行 指數型房貸第1~3月固定利率1.49%起,第4~12月固定利率1.69%起,第二年起以本行定儲利率指數I + 1.11%起,機動計息 (2009年09月21日本行定儲利率指數I (季調整) = 0.77%)
陽信銀行 指數型房貸1.98%~2.5%浮動計息
聯邦銀行 均利型利率指數房貸分段式:前半年1.7%起,第7~12個月2.1%起,第2年起2.5%起浮動計息
2010年8月27日 星期五
2010年8月20日 星期五
2010年7月23日 星期五
2010年4月16日 星期五
2010年3月7日 星期日
Psychology of advanced mathematical thinking
Psychology of advanced mathematical thinking
Title: Psychology of advanced mathematical thinking
Author: Tall D.
Read "Psychology of advanced mathematical thinking"
"Psychology of advanced mathematical thinking" pages map
Title: Psychology of advanced mathematical thinking
Author: Tall D.
Read "Psychology of advanced mathematical thinking"
"Psychology of advanced mathematical thinking" pages map
2010年2月20日 星期六
2010年1月30日 星期六
NComputing Brings Inverse Cloud Computing To Joe The Plumber
My apologies, but with the election over, I just couldn’t resist the urge to use ‘Joe the Plumber’. What a joke, but I’ll tell you what isn’t a joke, Ncomputing’s networked computer system. The tiny, fanless box contains no CPU or extreme hardware, but allows its user to perform their day-to-day PC tasks, such as Web surfring, document editing and more. It works by connecting to one central computer that does all the heavy lifting that is shared with other users. As a result, NComputing’s machines are ultra green using 95% less energy than the laptop I write this post on – about 1-4watts. Also, with no moving parts in the NComputers there’s less to breakdown and less heat dissipation, which means no cooling fans or costly, nonecofriendly A/C.
The NComputers already in use by over a million people in India, Bangladesh and Macedonia and are largely utilized by schools, business and public access areas.
Official product page here
The NComputers already in use by over a million people in India, Bangladesh and Macedonia and are largely utilized by schools, business and public access areas.
Official product page here
Mathematical Proof of the Inevitability of Cloud Computing
In the emerging business model and technology known as cloud computing, there has been discussion regarding whether a private solution, a cloud-based utility service, or a mix of the two is optimal. My analysis examines the conditions under which dedicated capacity, on-demand capacity, or a hybrid of the two are lowest cost. The analysis applies not just to cloud computing, but also to similar decisions, e.g.: buy a house or rent it; rent a house or stay in a hotel; buy a car or rent it; rent a car or take a taxi; and so forth.
To jump right to the punchline(s), a pay-per-use solution obviously makes sense if the unit cost of cloud services is lower than dedicated, owned capacity. And, in many cases, clouds provide this cost advantage.
Counterintuitively, though, a pure cloud solution also makes sense even if its unit cost is higher, as long as the peak-to-average ratio of the demand curve is higher than the cost differential between on-demand and dedicated capacity. In other words, even if cloud services cost, say, twice as much, a pure cloud solution makes sense for those demand curves where the peak-to-average ratio is two-to-one or higher. This is very often the case across a variety of industries. The reason for this is that the fixed capacity dedicated solution must be built to peak, whereas the cost of the on-demand pay-per-use solution is proportional to the average.
Also important and not obvious, leveraging pay-per-use pricing, either in a wholly on-demand solution or a hybrid with dedicated capacity turns out to make sense any time there is a peak of “short enough” duration. Specifically, if the percentage of time spent at peak is less than the inverse of the utility premium, using a cloud or other pay-per-use utility for at least part of the solution makes sense. For example, even if the cost of cloud services were, say, four times as much as owned capacity, they still make sense as part of the solution if peak demand only occurs one-quarter of the time or less.
In practice, this means that cloud services should be widely adopted, since absolute peaks rarely last that long. For example, today, Cyber Monday, represents peak demand for many etailers. It is a peak who’s duration is only one-three hundred sixty-fifth of the time. Online flower services who reach peaks around Valentine’s Day and Mother’s day have a peak duration of only one one-hundred eightieth of the time. While retailers experience most of their business during one month of the year, there are busy days and slow days even during those peaks. “Peak” is actually a fractal concept, so if cloud resources can be provisioned, deprovisioned, and billed on an hourly basis or by the minute, then instead of peak month or peak day we need to look at peak hours or peak minutes, in which case the conclusions are even more compelling.
I look at the optimal cost solutions between dedicated capacity, which is paid for whether it is used or not, and pay-per-use utilities. My assumptions for this analysis are that pay-per-use capacity is 1) paid for when used and not paid for when not used; 2) the cost for such capacity does not depend on the time of request or use; 3) the unit cost for on-demand or dedicated capacity does not depend on the quantity of resources requested; 4) there are no additional relevant costs needed for the analysis; 5) all demand must be served without delay.
These are assumptions which may or may not correspond to reality. For example, with respect to assumption (1), most pay-per-use pricing mechanisms offered today are pure. However, in many domains there are membership fees, non-refundable deposits, option fees, or reservation fees where one may end up paying even if the capacity is not used. Assumption (2) may not hold due to the time value of money, or to the extent that dynamic pricing exists in the industry under consideration. A (pay-per-use) hotel room may cost $79 on Tuesday but $799 the subsequent Saturday night. Assumption (3) may not hold due to quantity discounts or, conversely, due to the service provider using yield management techniques to charge less when provider capacity is underutilized or more as provider capacity nears 100% utilization Assumption (4) may or may not apply based on the nature of the application and marginal costs to link the dedicated resources to on-demand resources vs. if they were all dedicated or all on-demand. As an example, there may be wide-area network bandwidth costs to link an enterprise data center to a cloud service provider’s location. Finally, assumption (5) actually says two things. One, that we must serve all demand, not just a limited portion, and two, that we don’t have the ability to defer demand until there is sufficient capacity available. Serving all demand makes sense, because presumably the cost to serve the demand is greatly exceeded by the revenue or value of serving it. Otherwise, the lowest cost solution is zero dedicated and zero utility resources; in other words, just shut down the business. In some cases we can defer demand, e.g., scheduling elective surgery or waiting for a restaurant table to open up. However, most tasks today seem to require nearly real-time response, whether it’s web search, streaming a video, buying or selling stocks, communicating, collaborating, or microblogging.
It is tempting to view this analysis as relating to “private enterprise data centers” vs. “cloud service providers,” but strictly speaking this is not true. For example, the dedicated capacity may be viewed as owned resources in a co-location facility, managed servers or storage with fixed capacity under a long term lease or managed services contract, or even “reserved instances.” By “dedicated” we really mean “fixed for the time period under consideration.” For this reason, I will use the terms “pay-per-use” or “utility” rather than “cloud” except when providing colloquial interpretations.
Let the demand D for resources during the interval 0 to T be a function of time D(t), 0 <= t <= T.
In the emerging business model and technology known as cloud computing, there has been discussion regarding whether a private solution, a cloud-based utility service, or a mix of the two is optimal. My analysis examines the conditions under which dedicated capacity, on-demand capacity, or a hybrid of the two are lowest cost. The analysis applies not just to cloud computing, but also to similar decisions, e.g.: buy a house or rent it; rent a house or stay in a hotel; buy a car or rent it; rent a car or take a taxi; and so forth.
To jump right to the punchline(s), a pay-per-use solution obviously makes sense if the unit cost of cloud services is lower than dedicated, owned capacity. And, in many cases, clouds provide this cost advantage.
Counterintuitively, though, a pure cloud solution also makes sense even if its unit cost is higher, as long as the peak-to-average ratio of the demand curve is higher than the cost differential between on-demand and dedicated capacity. In other words, even if cloud services cost, say, twice as much, a pure cloud solution makes sense for those demand curves where the peak-to-average ratio is two-to-one or higher. This is very often the case across a variety of industries. The reason for this is that the fixed capacity dedicated solution must be built to peak, whereas the cost of the on-demand pay-per-use solution is proportional to the average.
Also important and not obvious, leveraging pay-per-use pricing, either in a wholly on-demand solution or a hybrid with dedicated capacity turns out to make sense any time there is a peak of “short enough” duration. Specifically, if the percentage of time spent at peak is less than the inverse of the utility premium, using a cloud or other pay-per-use utility for at least part of the solution makes sense. For example, even if the cost of cloud services were, say, four times as much as owned capacity, they still make sense as part of the solution if peak demand only occurs one-quarter of the time or less.
In practice, this means that cloud services should be widely adopted, since absolute peaks rarely last that long. For example, today, Cyber Monday, represents peak demand for many etailers. It is a peak who’s duration is only one-three hundred sixty-fifth of the time. Online flower services who reach peaks around Valentine’s Day and Mother’s day have a peak duration of only one one-hundred eightieth of the time. While retailers experience most of their business during one month of the year, there are busy days and slow days even during those peaks. “Peak” is actually a fractal concept, so if cloud resources can be provisioned, deprovisioned, and billed on an hourly basis or by the minute, then instead of peak month or peak day we need to look at peak hours or peak minutes, in which case the conclusions are even more compelling.
I look at the optimal cost solutions between dedicated capacity, which is paid for whether it is used or not, and pay-per-use utilities. My assumptions for this analysis are that pay-per-use capacity is 1) paid for when used and not paid for when not used; 2) the cost for such capacity does not depend on the time of request or use; 3) the unit cost for on-demand or dedicated capacity does not depend on the quantity of resources requested; 4) there are no additional relevant costs needed for the analysis; 5) all demand must be served without delay.
These are assumptions which may or may not correspond to reality. For example, with respect to assumption (1), most pay-per-use pricing mechanisms offered today are pure. However, in many domains there are membership fees, non-refundable deposits, option fees, or reservation fees where one may end up paying even if the capacity is not used. Assumption (2) may not hold due to the time value of money, or to the extent that dynamic pricing exists in the industry under consideration. A (pay-per-use) hotel room may cost $79 on Tuesday but $799 the subsequent Saturday night. Assumption (3) may not hold due to quantity discounts or, conversely, due to the service provider using yield management techniques to charge less when provider capacity is underutilized or more as provider capacity nears 100% utilization Assumption (4) may or may not apply based on the nature of the application and marginal costs to link the dedicated resources to on-demand resources vs. if they were all dedicated or all on-demand. As an example, there may be wide-area network bandwidth costs to link an enterprise data center to a cloud service provider’s location. Finally, assumption (5) actually says two things. One, that we must serve all demand, not just a limited portion, and two, that we don’t have the ability to defer demand until there is sufficient capacity available. Serving all demand makes sense, because presumably the cost to serve the demand is greatly exceeded by the revenue or value of serving it. Otherwise, the lowest cost solution is zero dedicated and zero utility resources; in other words, just shut down the business. In some cases we can defer demand, e.g., scheduling elective surgery or waiting for a restaurant table to open up. However, most tasks today seem to require nearly real-time response, whether it’s web search, streaming a video, buying or selling stocks, communicating, collaborating, or microblogging.
It is tempting to view this analysis as relating to “private enterprise data centers” vs. “cloud service providers,” but strictly speaking this is not true. For example, the dedicated capacity may be viewed as owned resources in a co-location facility, managed servers or storage with fixed capacity under a long term lease or managed services contract, or even “reserved instances.” By “dedicated” we really mean “fixed for the time period under consideration.” For this reason, I will use the terms “pay-per-use” or “utility” rather than “cloud” except when providing colloquial interpretations.
Let the demand D for resources during the interval 0 to T be a function of time D(t), 0 <= t <= T.

吳昇的Web 3.與Opera瀏覽器的先進功能
雲端運算與電子書互動閱讀 知識管理
目前雲端運算的賣點 運算能力與儲存空間
吳昇的Web 3.與Opera瀏覽器的先進功能
雲端運算與電子書互動閱讀 知識管理
2010年1月4日 星期一
2010年1月3日 星期日
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